Every five years, the Australian Government conducts a survey of all households in Australia to capture data which shows how the nation has changed over time and also allows the government to plan and budget for transport, housing, education, and health services. The survey is called the Census of Population and Housing and aims to count the population of Australia on one given night as well as determine demographics and socioeconomic characteristics.
The Census is managed by the Australian Bureau of Statistics (ABS) and the first stage of results of the most recent Census undertaken in August 2017 has now been released. The data confirms that Australia has an ageing population with one in six Australians aged over 65. Improvements in diet, health care and medical technology means that Australians are also living longer. The 2016 Census shows Australia now has around 84,000 more people over the age of 85 since the 2011 Census, and which equates to around 2.1% of the population.
Australia is recognised as a diverse nation and this is confirmed by the 2016 Census which showed that more than 300 languages are spoken in homes around the country, including Australian Sign Language (Auslan). At 26% Australia has a higher proportion of people who were born overseas than the US, Canada and New Zealand and almost half of all people living in Australia were either born overseas or have at least one parent who was born overseas.
Such data, including data yet to be released about employment, qualifications and population mobility, will be used by the Australian Government to make decisions for the future of the nation. The Australian Bureau of Statics also conducts a National Health Survey on a semi-regular basis for a closer look at the nation’s health. The most recent survey was conducted in 2014-15 and focused on health service usage, medication use, health risk factors, the prevalence of long-term health conditions, and private health insurance membership.
Results of surveys undertaken by the Australian Bureau of Statistics are available on the ABS website.
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