Medical job abbreviations, just as with all medical abbreviations, can have slightly different meanings depending on the locality and area of employment. One of the most familiar medical acronyms, used in many countries, is GP.
GP is a medical acronym for General Practitioner. A GP or General Practitioner is a doctor who provides care to individuals within the community. They manage both acute and chronic conditions, referring to other services where necessary. GPs are sometimes referred to as family doctors.

Common nursing medical acronyms include AIN for Assistant in Nursing, EN for Enrolled Nurse, and RN for Registered Nurse. AINs typically work in aged or disability care and they have minimal qualifications. EN refers to someone who has completed appropriate training to provide basic patient services. RNs have tertiary qualifications in nursing. Both AINs and ENs may be referred to as nursing assistants. AINs, ENs and RNs work in the community as well as in hospitals, public and private.
The following abbreviations and medical acronyms are frequently used within Australian hospitals:
- ADON, an RN who assists the Director of Nursing (DON). The acronym for Assistant Director of Nursing therefore is ADON.
- CN is a acronym which stands for Clinic Nurse, typically an RN who is an expert clinician. CNC is a Clinical Nurse Consultant, an experienced RN who provides a clinical consultancy service within their field of expertise. CNS is Clinical Nurse Specialist, a nurse who specialises in a particular kind of care on a ward.
- A NUM, or Nurse Unit Manager, is a senior RN responsible for the management of the unit. An NP, or Nurse Practitioner is an RN who has undertaken additional training to work in an independent or advanced clinical role.
- MO stands for Medical Officer, this can be a doctor, physician or general practitioner. VMO stands for Visiting Medical Officer and usually refers to someone who works part-time in a hospital and may also have a private practice. Prof is a medical abbreviation for Professor, a member of staff who has a connection to a university and usually some responsibility for teaching students.
Different medical abbreviations and acronyms are used by different states, health boards and districts so it’s a good idea to familiarise yourself with the particular abbreviations used according to the location you wish to work in.
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